All EXHIBITIONS: 30” max on any side. 2 or 3 dimensional. Hanging apparatus attached. PG-13 & non political. Send up to 3 jpgs to

April Exhibition is “Winged Things”
- real or fantasy creatures with wings - butterflies, dragonflies, fairies, birds, all manner of insects and maybe a dragon or two. Send up to 3 jpgs to by Friday, March 21 at 5:00pm. Drop off of selected works on Saturday 22 March or Sunday, March 23, 12:30 pm - 4 pm. Show hangs through April. No entry fee - 30% commission to house - all sales through @northtradestreetarts #hearts #callforart #northtradestreetarts #callforartists

June Exhibition is "Paper Dolls” - a show dedicated to ICONIC women and men through art and fashion. Email us at for information.

North Trade Street Arts Center accepts cash and credit cards for purchases in the gallery. If you find something on-line that you would like to purchase and have mailed, please write to us via the e-mail link given below and inquire! NTSA will offer more options for on-line sales in the near future.

Gift Cards for NTSA are also available.

Works in the exhibitions are available for sale at N. Trade Street Arts

E-Mail North Trade Street Arts

604-A N. Trade Street
Winston-Salem, NC 27101